Today we remember with great interest and awe, the work of the Quaker Elizabeth Gurney, later to be Elizabeth Fry. She had been moved by the preaching of an American Quaker and as a result she devoted her life to working with the poor and disaffected. She campaigned for the prison reforms which did indeed follow. She died in 1845, in what I term the modern era, but her work is still with us through modern equivalents of prison reform. She followed in the steps of Jesus as one of his followers, doing His bidding and was therefore a modern 'fisher of men'.
Back home at St Ninian's the Vestry have now appointed a new Rector. He is the Revd Simon Tibbs, Assistant Priest at Old St Paul's Scottish Episcopal Church, Edinburgh ( dubbed the 'bells & smells' church in the SEC). According to Canon 4 of the Code of Canons he will have to give three months' notice to Fr Paton, his Rector so we assume that he will be instituted around Christmas to Epiphany - the latter probably. It is all exciting as we face a new phase in the life of St Ninian's.
The above photo of Fr Simon Tibbs was taken at his ordination to the priesthood, along with his parents.
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