Adomnan, 9th Abbot of Iona.
The readings appointed for today's Holy Eucharist affirm whom we are as 'ministers who go out...', i.e., so that unbelievers will know both who we are, what we are about, and we point them towards God. The readings also show that if we are repentent of our sins and make amends, we are forgiven. So we, can forgive others too.
Adomnan ( or Adamnan) was 9th Abbot of the Abbey Church of Iona, following on from Columba who was also Abbot in the past. Adomnan was also a biographer of Calum Cille (Columba) and the book is worth reading, although it is perhaps difficult to connect with the mind-set of the days in the AD 700's. It is rather like reading the stories of the Desert Fathers and how they emphasised things and events which today are just commonplace and not a bother. Nonetheless, the Book on the life of Columba is worth a read.
The interregnum at St Ninian's Scottish Episcopal Church is dragging on, although it must be said that the Vestry are interviewing candidates and they are quite correctly taking their time to get a 'good-enough Rector' for us. I am sure that they will do their very best for us. Having been a Secretary to the Vestry of my previous church I know how anguished it can all get - to appoint the right person for the job. The interregnum, as for all charges, makes the congregation sit up and take notice, paying particular attention to the continuance of the inner, spiritual life of St Ninian's.
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