Having a sore back gives one endless opportunities other than gardening or walking. The day is fine and Springlike and a good day for both activities but I answered my body pains and Val and I went to Dalmeny Park for lunch in lovely surroundings. Walking around the garden we were amazed at the growth already under way. Shopping at nearby Tesco we returned home early to continue reading the Lent Study book for Lent - 'Love Unknown' by Sr Ruth Burrows. The book is not easy reading but it is challenging about the nature of God, of how our forbears saw him and the expectations of the then Church and the present Church. We shall join the group at St Ninian's Scottish Episcopal Church this evening after Eucharist. Re-reading chapters 5 and 6 I have warmed to the prophet Jeremiah. He suffered greatly at the hands of 'the establishment' of his day but emphasised the individual relationship each of us has with God ( assuming that he meant over and above that of the Church and God). We shall see what the discussion this evening brings. Meanwhile, back to the book and a wee dram...